Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 24

This morning we did our deep water adventure dive. Arnaud gave us 4 problems to work underwater to see how we handle nitrogen narcosis. We both did well. We only stayed at 30 meters for a few minutes to do the problems, then we came shallower to conserve air. We saw lots of fish (moray eels, sting rays, porcupine fish, parrotfish, etc). We stayed underwater for 37 minutes J

This afternoon we relaxed. On the way to lunch, we went by and picked up my new ring. We picked one out that looks like a dolphin, the eyes are sapphires, and diamond flakes on its back. We also went by the spa and set up a time to get a head, neck, and shoulders massage. We ate lunch and went back to the room. Mark read, and I worked on tonight’s homework for the fish identification and tomorrow’s for drift diving. Then we met our neighbors on our way to the spa for our massage and decided to meet them afterwards for a drink at the bar before dinner. We were out with them until about 8 when we went to dinner. There were crab races again tonight, and we had purchased a crab. But we were both too tired after no nap and staying out so late last night that we gave our crab to Leslie and said goodnight.

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