Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On the way home

Well, after I finished typing yesterday and went to take a shower, my stomach started giving me trouble, so I lay down for a little bit. Of course, it didn’t go away like we wanted it to. I took a bath/shower around 6:00 and ended up getting sick around 7:30. Feeling a little better, Mark and I walked to the restaurant a few minutes later. Because this was our last night here, we wanted to say goodbye to some people and settle the majority of the bill. Mark walked through the restaurant while I walked towards reception. While walking past the bar, I saw Leslie and her group. I walked over to tell them bye, and they all said that I looked “peeked”...well, whenever mom used that word to describe how I looked, it wasn’t good – so I knew I looked quite sick. Mark met me in reception and we got everything settled with the cashier. Then Mark went to the restaurant to get a plate of food to take back to the room with us – I was feeling ill again. Sweet Ali wrapped up Mark’s food and got us a couple of sprites and walked it to the room for us. Mark walked with me acting as my crutch and had to carry me on the bridge to the water bungalow. I was sad because last night we were supposed to get our diplomas for our diving activities (We got them this morning instead). The doctor came to the bungalow, and gave me some medicine (which I threw up about 30 minutes later). The medicine was disgusting, so I only took the pill for nausea and went to sleep.

I slept through the night – Mark doesn’t believe that because he says I kept telling him “I love you” all through the night J We went to breakfast around 8:30, went by the shop to get a book on the Maldives, and videoed the island a bit – like we meant to last night. After that, we went back to the room and finished packing. We were finished by 10 or so, and then we just relaxed and watched TV for a while until it was time for lunch. I was trying my best not to over-exert myself since I had to get through the sea plane ride this afternoon. We met Arnaud at the Lighthouse Bar for lunch. It was nice visiting one last time with him. We think that he’ll come to South Africa sometime to go diving, and we’ll meet up with him. We have his email address and he has ours, so we’ll keep up with him. We walked back to the dive school with him and got 2 t-shirts – something we’ve been meaning to do all week.

We got back to the room at 2:00, and the guy came to get our luggage at 2:30. We settled our final bill – just what we had purchased today – and got on the 3:30 sea plane. It wasn’t the calmest ride we’ve been on. We had 3 stops on the way to Male. Neither Mark nor I was in a wonderful state when we got here. We decided to relax at one of the restaurant areas. I got a 30 minute nap and Mark read. After a while we got something to eat, and started feeling better. We called mom, Fran, and dad to say hi and let them know the flight plans and when we’d be back in Johannesburg. We walked around for about 20 minutes and ended up at an ice cream place that was air conditioned. Mark got a milkshake and I got some chocolate ice cream. When I was finished, there weren’t many people there, so I curled up on the couch where I was sitting and slept for almost an hour. Now it is after midnight, and we are sitting in the lounge area waiting for our 2:20 flight to Dubai. When we get there, I will post all of the happenings since the wedding. Hope everyone is well and here’s sending out lots of love to you!!!


Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

i am so glad you are posting! and i'm hoping that you continue to feel well.
i've just now thrown away my boquet from the wedding. yep...i waited til it was "deader than dead". and i saved several flowers out of it that are drying and are going to go in mpb's room.
love you lots and lots!

The DeLoach Family said...

Hey girl,
I have been checking this blog everyday hoping that there would be a new post. I am so glad that y'all had a good time. I love you and can't wait to read more. Tell Mark hello!!

Chuck, Fran, Anthony, and Amanda Ray said...

Hey Julz -

That was the neatest thing to be able to share your honeymoon experience. I think that you guys had the time of your lives. We read every word this evening. This morning I only had time to look at the pictures. I hope that you guys can catch back up to real life easily.

We love you -