Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 18, 2008

kind of feel like a kid...

This morning Mark and I went to Makro - kind of like our Sam's here. We did our shopping for all the things we can stock up on. We got lots of meat - we buy bulk steak then put them two in a freezer bag so in the next few weeks, we'll pull them out a little at a time. Well, onto my title...I found some Capri Suns. I had to get some. Mark had never had one :-) We're having Steve and Ursula over for supper tonight, so I get to try out our crock pot. I'm cooking some chicken, doing a potato salad, corn, green beans and carrots. I feel quite domesticated :-D

I've started going back through some old books, and I found an old series that I haven't read since about 9th grade (The Christy Miller Series). It's one that I started reading when we drove out to Colorado to get Sara from a Young Life camp that she was working at for the month of June. We went to Colorado Springs and the Focus on the Family building. That's where I got my 1st book of the series. After that, Stacy and I started reading any Robin Jones Gunn book we could find. We even wrote a letter to her saying how much we were enjoying the series - even got a letter back if I remember correctly. It's funny seeing the kids expressions when they ask whose book it is on my desk and I say Mine.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I hope mom, dad, and Amanda had a fabulous time in Chicago! Love to all!

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