Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Especially this time of year, I cannot look around anywhere in Johannesburg without thinking of my mom. This is the time of year when mom and dad came to visit a couple of years ago - wow has it been that long? Mom noticed the beautiful jacaranda trees - the wonderful purple flowers. Here are a few pics my dad took. They aren't in full bloom yet, but they are definitely starting to peek out! I'll put current pictures once they bloom a bit more.

Well, we're on the countdown to the end of the year. I only see my 10th graders for 17 more lessons before they start their exams. I have 8 more days with my 9th graders before they start their CTAs ( government created standardized tests), then they go straight into exams. My 8th graders still have to put up with me until November 7...so I guess they lose out. They did lots of work today, though. Hopefully we'll finish the syllabus in time to do some exam review! Unfortunately for me, they write their exam on November 27..... That's RIGHT! While all my friends and family are celebrating Thanksgiving and (more importantly) my mom's birthday, I'll be stuck in a classroom grading papers. We'll have to plan something special for that evening to celebrate a little bit.
Fran and Chuck have done an excellent job in updating their blog a bit. For those of you who aren't Fran and Chuck who look at my blog, check theirs out by clicking on the link at the top right.
Well, I guess I've rambled on enough for now. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. As always, Love to All!!

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